A new portal has been created by the Uttar Pradesh Government that will help in the development of the premises for Government employees who are otherwise not able to get the exclusivity of information related to their employment without needing to go to the government offices available in the Uttar Pradesh state. The employees will be able to get information related to the salary slip and other details related to their employment through the development of this Manav Sampada Portal 2024. You can check out the details related to the online login procedure and other information related to the portal given below.
What Is Manav Sampada Portal 2024?
The Government of Uttar Pradesh state has started a new portal that will help Government employees to get a lot of benefits. This is a very prestigious portal through which they will be able to also get the information related to their payslip without having to worry about going to the government offices. The Government employees who are working as teachers and in other departments of the Uttar Pradesh state will be able to log in at the official Manav Sampada portal created by the Uttar Pradesh Government and they will be able to see the information related to the employment. If you are someone who wants to get perfect information related to their salary slip then you can apply for this website of Manav Sampada portal created by the UP Government.

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Objective Of Manav Sampada Portal
If you are a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh and you want to get information related to your government job then you can visit the official Manav Sampada portal. This website was created by the Uttar Pradesh Government to provide proper opportunities related to employment information to the state employees who are otherwise not able to get employment information. They have to visit the concerned authorities of the government office to get even or remotely possible information. This is a great opportunity for the Uttar Pradesh State Government employees because through this opportunity they will be able to download the salary slips and apply for leaves accordingly without being physically present anywhere.
Benefits Of Manav Sampada Portal
There are a lot of benefits which will be provided to the people who are applying for this official Manav Sampada portal and given below are some of the benefits:
- The details related to all of the employees and the officers of all of the departments will be recorded at the official Manav Sampada portal and it can be accessible by the Indian government.
- The employees will be able to get information related to their employment such as their payslips and also the status of their transfer if any.
- The details related to the Healthcare professionals will also be uploaded to the official website and they will be able to get more information related to their careers.
- The government school teachers will also be able to get information related to their employment by visiting the official website of the Manav Sampada portal and they will also be able to apply for leaves.
- All the employees will be able to download the salary slip by visiting the official website of the Manav Sampada portal.
Services Available
The following services are available at the official Manav Sampada portal:-
- Appointment
- Leave management
- Transfer
- Salary
- Performance evaluation
- Complaint management
- Dynamic Form-Wise Help
- Dynamic acr
- Dynamic services
- Online acr
- holiday
- Join online / give relief.
- Online promotion
- Role-based access
- Online tour and transfer
- Complaint
- orders and granting relief.
- Customize order format at the department level
- Self-registration through API
- Multilingual SSRS
- Online Vacancy / Recruitment
- Standardized Off-Service Book Format in 12 Forms
- User-defined form
- Online pension
- News and forms
- Online inquiries
Eligibility Criteria
The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria to successfully apply for this portal:-
- The Portal is just for working government employees.
- The applicant must be a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh state.
- The applicant will be unable to apply if he has not first been registered with the relevant government agency.
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Manav Sampada Portal 2024 Registration Process
To register yourself at the official website you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here

- The homepage will open on your screen
- To log in, click the “Login” button on the homepage.

- A new page will open.
- Enter your User Department, User ID, and Password.
- After you have finished entering the information, you will need to input the captcha code and then click the box labelled “Login.”
- You will immediately be logged in to this portal
Apply For Leave
If you want to apply for leave then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- Click the “Login” button on the homepage.

- A new page will open.
- Enter your User Department, User ID, and Password.
- After you have finished entering the information, you will need to input the captcha code and then click the box labelled “Login.”
- You will immediately be logged in to this portal
- After logging in on the homepage of the website, you will be prompted to choose your reporting officer and add that person to your account. You should now see a new page load up in front of you.
- Now the application for leave will appear in front of you on this website. In it, you will need to choose left, and then choose the Block Education Officer as the destination.
- After making your choice, go to the “Online Leave” part of the website and pick the “Apply for Leave” option from the list of available options. After this, a form will appear in front of you on the new page that you’ve been sent to.
- After entering the required information, you will be prompted to click the “submit” button.
Download E Service Book
If you want to download the e-service book then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- You will need to select “E-Service Book ” from the drop-down menu that appears on the homepage of the website.
- A new page will open on your screen.
- You will now need to input your eHRMS code on this new page, and then click on the access option that has been provided to you.
- After clicking the link, a new page will load in front of you.
- Enter all of the information that is requested before pressing the “Search Option” button.
View Registered Employees
If you want to check the registered employees then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- Click the “Register Employees” option.
- Now you may see all the registered states.
- Choose a state.
- Click on View Employees to get all employee details.
View Online Service Requests Information
If you want to check the service request information then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- You must choose the Features option.
- After that, you must choose the Online Service Request option.
- All the information linked to online service requests will be displayed.
Application Status Check
If you want to check the application status you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- Go to the Public Window option.
- Now you must choose the Fact Sheet / P2 option.

- A new page will then load on your screen.
- Provide all the needed facts, such as parent and organization.
- After clicking the View Reports button, the application status will be shown on the screen.
Upload Procedure
If you want to upload the documents then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- Click the “Login” button on the homepage.
- A new page will open.
- Enter your User Department, User ID, and Password.
- After you have finished entering the information, you will need to input the captcha code and then click the box labelled “Login.”
- You will immediately be logged in to this portal
- Select all the documents you want to upload. Upload the chosen files.
- Click “submit” to upload the document.
Online Transfer/ Promotion Procedure
If you want to check the promotion procedure then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- Click the “Login” button on the homepage.
- A new page will open.
- Enter your User Department, User ID, and Password.
- After you have finished entering the information, you will need to input the captcha code and then click the box labelled “Login.”
- You will immediately be logged in to this portal
- On the homepage, select “Features” and then click ” Online Transfer/Promotion” thereafter.
- Now you’ll see online transfer/promotion information.
Office List
If you want to check the office list then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- Go to the Public Window option.
- Now you must choose the “Office List” menu item

- A fresh page will load in front of you.
- Input all of the requested information on this new page.
- Enter the department, choose that from the drop-down menu, likewise choose an organization, district; and office category.
- Click the View Report option.
- The relevant data will be presented on your screen.
PI Status Report
If you want to check the status then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- Go to the Public Window option.
- Now you must choose the “PI Status Report.”

- You must now input the department and choose the organization from the drop-down menu.
- You must choose the View Report option.
- The relevant information will then be presented on the screen.
Search HRMS Code
If you want to search the HRMS code then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-
- You will first have to visit the official website of the scheme by clicking on the link given here
- The homepage will open on your screen
- Go to the Public Window option.
- Now you must choose the “Search HRMS Code” option.

- A new page will load in front of you.
- You must now choose one of the two choices shown on this new page: Search By Mobile or Search By Post Office, depending on your preference.
- After this, you must input all of the relevant data requested.
- The HRMS code will then be shown on your screen once you click the submit button.
Contact Details
- 1. Technical Support:-(Software Problems)
- NIC, Manav Sampada Technical Support Team –
- Email ID- ehrms-up@gov.in
- 2. Other Support:-(Data Entry / Modification)
- Contact your Establishment office Manav Sampada Nodal Officer.