The Government of India has launched the Fame India Scheme to provide electric vehicles to stop the pollution that occurs due to the use of diesel and petrol Vehicles. It is an integral part of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan. In this article today we will share with you all the important information related to the Fame India scheme 2024 such as phases of the scheme, objective of the scheme, benefits of the scheme, and important features. Also, we will share with you all the application procedures to apply for this scheme.
About Fame India Scheme
As I told you before, the Fame India scheme has been launched to control the pollution which occurs due to the use of petrol and diesel. The Government of India is providing electric vehicles to the people to keep the environment fresh and clean. The government has already launched the first frame of this scheme and now phase 2 of this scheme is going to start soon. Under Phase II of this scheme, the government will provide 670 Electric buses in the state of Maharashtra Goa Gujarat Chandigarh and 241 charging stations will be provided on the streets of Madhya Pradesh Tamilnadu Kerala Gujarat Port Blair
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Fame India Scheme Extended Till 31 March 2024
As we all know the Government of India has launched the Fame India Scheme to increase the demand for electric vehicles to stop pollution. Government on 26 June 2021 the second phase of the Scheme till 31st March 2024 for the development of the manufacturing ecosystem and faster adoption of electric mobility. The main aim of extending the second phase is to focus on supporting electric public and transportation. This extension will help in pushing the sales of electric vehicles across India and reduce the pollution that occurs due to diesel and petrol vehicles
Objective Of Fame India Scheme
As we all know there are many diesel and petrol vehicles which cause pollution and this creates a huge impact on the health of the people. By keeping this in mind the Government of India has launched the Fame India scheme. Under this scheme, electric vehicles will be provided to the people to reduce the use of diesel and petrol vehicles to stop pollution and other types of difficulties.
Highlights Of Fame India Scheme
Name of the scheme | Number of Vehicles |
Launched by | Government of India |
Beneficiaries | Presidents of India |
Objective | To provide electric vehicles to the people of India |
Benefits | To prevent pollution in India |
Number of Vehicle | 670 |
Mode of application | Online |
Phase I Of Fame India Scheme
The government has spent rupees 895 crores for the first phase of the Fame India scheme to provide the mass adoption of electric vehicles. Phase 1 of this scheme has been launched for the faster adoption and manufacturing of hybrid and electric vehicles which was implemented over two years from 1st April 2015. The interest believes that there is currently a need for Government support to reduce the pollution that occurs from petrol and diesel Vehicles
Phase II Of Fame India Scheme
The second phase of this scheme has launched to support 7000 e-buses, 5 lakh e-3 vehicles, 55009 e-4 Wheeler Passenger Cars, and 10 lakh e-2 Wheelers. The main focus has been given to the private vehicles of the residents of the metropolitan cities. Along with the vehicle, Electric vehicle charging stations will also be constructed under this scheme to encourage electric vehicle use rather than diesel or petrol vehicles.
Benefits Of This Scheme
- The main benefit of this scheme is to promote electric vehicles among the residents of the state.
- through this scheme, the eco-friendly public transport system will increase.
- This scheme will help in the encouragement of the interlinking of Renewable sources.
- The charging stations will also be provided under this scheme.
- This scheme will help lower the level of pollution in India
Process To Apply For Fame India Scheme
The applicants who want to apply for The Fame India scheme will have to apply through the application procedures prescribed by the concerned authorities of the scheme. As there is no new application procedure is yet known to apply for this scheme. If you want to know further information related to the scheme then you have to visit the official website.
Process To Know About The Models Of Vehicle
- First, you have to visit the Official Website of the Department of Heavy Industry.

- The home page will appear in front of you.
- On the homepage, click on the section Scheme
- Two options will appear in front of you.
- Click on the Models option

- The list of models will appear in front of you.
To Submit Feedback
- First, visit the Official Website
- The home page will appear in front of you.
- On the home page look under the section of Connect
- Two options will appear in front of you.
- Now click on the Feedback option.

- The feedback form will appear in front of you.
- Here, fill in all the details asked in the form such as Category, Process, Name, Email, Mobile Number, Feedback, and Captcha Code
- After filling in all the details click on the Continue button.
- Your feedback will be submitted successfully.
Process To Give Suggestions
- First, visit the Official Website
- The home page will appear in front of you.
- On the home page, look under the section of Connect.
- Now click on the Suggestions option.

- The form will appear in front of you
- Fill in all the details such as Category, Process, User Type, Name, Email, Mobile Number, Suggestions, and Captcha Code.
- After filling in the details click on the Continue button
- Your suggestion will be submitted successfully.
Contact Us
- First, visit the Official Website.
- The home page will appear in front of you.
- On the homepage, click on the Contact Us option.
- The contact details will appear in front of you