Navasakam Scheme 2024: Search Beneficiary, Final Eligibility List

Navasakam scheme is a revolutionary scheme for the successful implementation of the schemes launched by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. YSR Jagan Mohan Reddy, chief minister of Andhra Pradesh has launched various welfare schemes for the people of the state. A separate portal has been launched by the government for Navasakam Scheme 2023: Search Beneficiary, Final Eligibility List. Get the scheme related to all the details from this article such as what the Navasakam Scheme is, how it is going to help in the implementation of welfare schemes, identification of beneficiaries, beneficiary list, etc.

About 2024

Navasakam scheme is helpful for the implementation of ten welfare schemes of the AP government for the welfare of the poor and needy people of the state. Under this scheme, volunteers will conduct a survey to identify the beneficiaries of the welfare schemes. A defined procedure has been followed to identify the beneficiaries. The main aim of the government behind Navasakam scheme is to identify needy people to help them financially.

Navasakam Scheme
Navasakam Scheme

Navasakam Scheme Overview

Name of the schemeNavasakam scheme
Launched byYSR Jagan Mohan Reddy
Launched forPeople of the state
MotiveIdentify beneficiaries
BenefitsFinancial help

Navasakam Welfare Scheme list

Under Navasakam volunteers have to find out the beneficiaries for the following schemes of the AP Government:

  • Financial Assistance to Nayee Brahmins, Rajakas, and Tailors: Rs. 1000/- will be given by the government to all BC community Nayee Brahmins, Rajakas, and Tailors.
  • Honorarium to Imams, Muazams, and Pastors and increase in salaries to Archakas
  • Jagananna Amma Vodi: It is one of the flagship schemes of Jagananna’s government. Under this scheme government will provide monetary help to the mother/ guardian of the children who are studying in the 1st to 12th standard. Applicants must belong to those below the poverty line, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, and region.
  • Jagananna Vasathi Deevena Card & Jagananna Vidya Deevena Card: Under this scheme, full fee reimbursement and hotel expenses per annum will be given to the students who are pursuing Polytechnic, ITI, Degree and above level courses in Government, Aided, Private Colleges
  • Rice Card: In this scheme all those people whose family income is below Rs. 10000/- per month in rural areas and Rs. 12000/- in the urban areas along with other conditions will get the benefits.
  • YSR Arogyasri Card: Under the YSR Arogyasri Card scheme, the government will provide cashless treatment to the beneficiaries.
  • AP YSR Kapu Nestham: under this scheme, the women of the Kapu community above 45 years of age will get financial help.
  • YSR Netanna Nestham: under this scheme, financial help is for those weaver families who own a handloom to modernize their equipment. 
  • YSR Pension Kanuka Card: Under the YSR Pension Kanuka Card scheme, beneficiaries will get pensions for old age, widows, and PWD persons.

Beneficiary identification procedure:

The procedure to identify beneficiaries under Navasakam includes the following six steps:

  1. Preparatory Arrangements
  2. Training to Volunteers
  3. Conducting of Household survey
  4. Computerization of field data
  5. Publication of Draft-eligible members lists for Social Audit
  6. Grama Sabha / Ward Sabha for Social Audit

Scheme ID Card

Chief Minister YSR Jagan Mohan Reddy has directed to distribution of ID cards for various welfare schemes on 9th June 2020 with the period. There are strict orders to give cards as soon as possible to the beneficiaries and if the card will not be distributed then strict actions will be taken against them. CM ordered to display of the list of beneficiaries and the village and ward secretaries. Pension rice and Aarogyasri card will be delivered to the doorstep of the beneficiary

ID Cards Periods

Scheme nameWithin 90 days of registration
Rice And Pension CardsWithin 10 days
Aarogyasri Cards Within 20 days
House Site Pattas Within 90 days with registration

Important decisions

  • The list should be displayed of those who missed applying for house site patta by 12 June 2020. All the formalities will be completed on 15 June 2020, and the house’s side pattas will be distributed on 8 June 2020.
  • The training will be given to the Anganwadi staff by the joint collector.
  • 31000 Anganwadis building will be reconstructed by a join collector
  • the important and useful information about the welfare scheme will be displayed by the secretariat.
  • MNREGA employment opportunities will be generated for 54.4 lakh people by the Rural Employment Guarantee scheme.
  • YSR clinic mapping will be completed by 10 June
Beneficiary Under YSR Navakasam

Around 3.5 crore people of the state have benefited from Navakasam Scheme. The total number of rupees distributed among the beneficiaries still May 2020 via welfare scheme is around Rs. 40139 crores. Out of which Rs. 19,298 crore have been distributed to Backward Classes (BC), Rs. 6332 crore to Scheduled Caste (SC), Rs. 2108 crore to Schedule tribes (ST) and Rs. 10472 crore to other categories. Along with this 4 lakh job opportunities in villages and what Secretariat within four month will be given to SCs, STs, BCs and minorities also. 

Navakasam Portal Services

This Portal have been designed and developed by the Andhra Pradesh Centre for financial system and services to provide various services such are as follows

  • Download
  • Guidelines
  • Know Your Secretariat
  • Login
  • Secretariat Staff Mapping
  • Timeline

Procedure to login Navasakam Portal:

Navasakam Scheme
Navasakam Scheme
  • Click login option and a new page appear on the screen
Navasakam Scheme
Check Login
  • Enter user id (Secretariat Code + Post Code) and password
  • Enter the authentication code shows on the screen and select login

Know Your Secretariat

  • To know your secretariat, open the website
  • Go to the “Know Your Secretariat” option from the menu bar
Know Your Secretariat
Know Your Secretariat
  • A list appears, check your district name, select Urban or Rural
  • Click on the link given in the column in front of your district name
  • Select your Mandal name from the list and click the link, given opposite to your Mandal name
  • Note your secretariat code from the screen
Process To Know Secretariat Staff Mapping
  • First, visit the Official Website
  • The home page will appear in front of you.
  • On the homepage, click on the Secretariat Staff Mapping option
Navasakam Secretariat Staff Mapping
Secretariat Staff Mapping
  • A new web page will be displayed in front of you
  • The list of the district will be displayed
  • Choose your District.
  • A new page will be displayed
  • Here, choose your Mandal
  • The list of secretary name with ward number ward welfare and development secretary ward administration secretary etc will appear in front of you
Contact Information
  • If you have any query you may contact the authorities at

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